Live Edge Lamps

If you’ve ever wanted to see a magical gateway to another dimension open up and shine out of a tree as a sculpture in your front room, please look no further, your dreams have been made real! I spend days wandering local woodlands seeking out dead or naturally fallen hardwood branches with cavities where another branch had broken off some years before. I take these branches and carve out those cavities making a space to add in an LED lighting element and to fill with resin. Live edge wood will always have a visual and tactile appeal due to the unique character of each piece, but also because it reminds us of something that is becoming increasingly more precious – nature. The trees from which these branches came are usually still well and truly alive and growing in South Devon, UK. I do not cut any living limbs to acquire any of this material. The lights are powered by a USB plug and come with a remote control. Because the resin-filled-cavity is all the way through the piece, there is as much light filtered through the back of the lamp as there is through the front, so any walls or other objects behind the lamp are nicely illuminated.

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