
I am available for commissions that utilize other people’s shots, be they digital or archive prints. I have produced works with photography of people, pets, houses, weddings, travels, or anything they hold dear.

In an age when hard-copy photo albums have fallen out of fashion, my Photo-Cubism pieces are able to display hundreds of images in one glorious eye-full.

As well as carefully curated collections of images, portraits, and topographically-inspired travelogues, I can make photo-mosaics which use many individual photos to make up one encompassing picture – shots taken of family gatherings, interior details and trinkets, macro shots taken in the garden, pulled together to produce a dream-like vista of the home where all these moments happened.

In addition to the Photo-Cubism I have accepted commissions of Electri-Cities, painted murals and all manner of crafts in the past. Please get in touch if you are interested.